Children’s Sunday School: Sunday at 9:00 AM
The Word of God is the means through which the Holy Spirit does His work of faith in us. Therefore, we take seriously the duty God gives parents to teach their children the Word, that they may know God’s love for them. Our weekly Sunday School classes are designed to help and supplement the work parents begin in the home by teaching the everlasting truths of Holy Scriptures as explained by Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. We utilize a variety of teaching techniques, including stories, singing, discussion, art projects, and memory work.
Immanuel offers two classes: “Preschool” for children who are not yet confident readers and “Elementary” for those with reading skill—approximately first grade and up. Both classes run simultaneously with Adult Bible Class and end at approximately 9:45.
For more information, contact Dr. William Bergquist, chair of Christian Education.
Adult Bible Class: Sunday at 9:00 AM
Just as we teach children in the Word, we also confess that this work is never complete. All Christians should daily and prayerfully study the Scriptures, for they are the only norm and source of absolute truth. Each Sunday, our Pastor leads us in a study of God’s Word. We examine its teachings, learn Christian doctrine, and engage in discussion.
Class runs from 9:00 to 9:45 in the Fellowship Hall prior to the Sunday Service. Coffee, tea, and light refreshments are provided.
New Member Catechesis: By Appointment
“Catechesis”, or oral instruction, is the way that Christians have learned the foundational doctrines of the Faith for the entire history of the Church. We believe that it is critical for every member of Christ’s body to be instructed in the essential teachings of the Bible, especially as they prepare to receive Holy Communion. If you are interested in learning the eternal truth of historic, orthodox Christianity, regardless of your faith background, please contact Pastor Colageo.
Confirmation: By Appointment
The rite of Confirmation is a public affirmation of baptismal identity in Christ following a period of instruction, which allows children to grow in wisdom and mature in the faith during their most formative years. We graciously receive this tradition from the historic Christian church and celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit in forming lifelong disciples of Jesus. Our Confirmation instruction classes study Christian doctrine and the life of the Church as explained by Martin Luther’s Small Catechism and Large Catechism. For more information, please contact Pastor Colageo.